The Bride has made herself ready

The Bride has made herself ready

His Bride is a Warrior

His Bride is a Warrior

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Not Just a Dream

It's not just a dream

In My Father's Heart are many rooms,
and in His heart is a room just for you.

I've seen how you felt like you were on the outside looking in.
I've seen your tears, when you felt you didn't belong.
I've heard your cries, on those dark and lonely nights, "Won't somebody love me."

I love you, My child.
It's not just a dream. You belong. You belong right here, in My heart.
I know everything there is to know about you. There is nothing you need to hide from Me. I love you just the way you are. You belong to Me.

Now let Me dry your tears, and take away your fears. Never do you need to feel you don't fit, that you don't belong. You belong right here...with Me. You are my dearly loved child, you fit right in.

Look around you, tell Me, do you see that little boy over there, tending his sheep. You see a rugged little boy, I see a King.

Look, there..Do you see her lying there in the dirt, everyone standing around with stones in there hands? You see a harlot, I see a Queen.

It's not just a dream, You are My beloved child. I sent My Son to gather the outcasts, the ones nobody wanted. It's not just a dream. You have always been wanted. By Me.

I love you, My child.

Your AbbaDaddy ♥

You See Me

You See Me

You see me through eyes of LOVE
with a heart that beats for me
You see me through the BLOOD OF CHRIST
that rescued me from the power of sin.
You see me pure, holy, righteous, and complete.
You see me as I should be,
How You see me is REALITY.
The pure in heart will see YOU
and that is how YOU see me.
I can trust You because You are TRUTH,
and cannot lie.
You see me as a holy, glorious BRIDE,
I am holy and I'm justified,
I am blameless and Your LOVED CHILD.
You hold up the mirror of Your WORD,
The perfect law of liberty declaring I AM FREE.
Not bound by the chains of darkness,
but Complete, Perfected and WHOLE.
You raised me up to sit with YOU
In HEAVENLY PLACES far above all princes
and all thrones, You've sealed me with a promise,
A seal Of LOVE upon my heart,
And called me YOUR OWN.
I am IN CHRIST, and what is TRUE of HIM,
is also TRUE of me, As You SEE HIM,
And with me, You are WELL PLEASED.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pools of Love

Pools of Love

Quiet Pools of Love, I find, as I linger here,
in this place with You.
Liquid drops of love falling down my face,
how I've come to see You,
in this Secret Holy Place.
More beautiful than sunrise!
Like the moon draws the tide,
You draw my heart to abide within Yours.

Deep calls to deep,
Your Waves of love, crash over me.
Swelling, Rising,
high above the storm's that threaten me.
You lift me up, upon Your wings of peace,
Your Holy Presence surrounds me,
invades me within, consumes me without,
all that's left, is billows of You.
As I surrender, my emptiness.
You fill me with Yourself.


How Long?

How Long?

How long will you falter, how long will you wait
Building castles in the sand, while the wind blows it away
Down goes your house of cards, how long will you run
How long will you tune out my voice, must I thunder
Must I quake the earth, must I lay foundations bare
How long will you tempt Me, as if tempting fate
How dare you ask me how long you must wait!
I am asking the questions now, how long will you wait?

I will shake the heavens, I will shake the earth
All that you built will crumble around you
I will lay foundations bare, the seas will roar
the rocks will tremble,
Your towers will come crashing down
You will scurry to hide from My shaking
You will beat upon your breast in terror
For that which has been, will also be.

Your ears will burn at sound of my coming
Closer and closer, I am coming
No longer will you turn a deaf ear
No longer will you close a blind eye
You will see My brightness
You will hear My thunder
As mountains tremble and the earth quakes
Nothing you hold onto will hold up to the fire of My breath
Let go of those useless things
The idols of mortal men!

Closer and closer, I am coming
Hear that your soul may live!


Web of Lies

Web of Lies

Oh what a tangled web he weaves,
the beloved of God he wants to deceive,
creeping thru every thought, every dream,
stealing our hope and true identity.
Til all that we see, is not what it should be.
The truth perverted so that we cannot see,
caught like flies in his deadly flattery.
The lies of the past over which we fought,
buried the truth so that we all forgot.
Under the lies, no one can win,
caught in the web that the wicked one spins.

master deceiver with gossamer thread,
trying to hold us, spellbound and dead.
words of deception, a whispered prose spun,
stealing away truth from each and every one.
Threads bound tightly, we no longer fight,
strapped in to an endless night.
Cocooned in a web, those thread silk lies,
keeping us blinded, unwilling to open our eyes.

We cannot refuse to bring lies to the Light,
for Truth is the weapon that will win this fight.
So don't get caught in his web of lies, or you
will be caught like putrid dead flies.

Take every lie you've ever been told,
cast it down to the ground and let the Truth begin to unfold.
Your eyes will be opened and you'll see who you are,
and you'll see the lies for what they really were.
Strands of deceit to keep you bound in the dark,
so that you would never know who you really are.